Saturday, October 12, 2024
Collaborative Work

Technical Assistance on Development of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Note and Support of Monitoring and Evaluation Reports of Sub-National Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Target Provinces

The Project for Strengthening Framework of Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (hereafter the Project) has been implemented by BAPPENAS with support from JICA since February 2019. One of the activities of the Project is to support the provincial governments in preparing RAD SDGs (SDGs Regional Action Plan). The Project provided support for the preparation of RAD SDGs from 2019 to 2020 for five target provinces, which are Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Kalimantan Barat, Maluku Utara and Sulawesi Tenggara. The SDGs Centers of three universities, University of Bengkulu (UNIB), University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) and University of Hasanuddin (UNHAS), participated in this support. Among the five target provinces, Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Kalimantan Barat and Sulawesi Tenggara have already completed their RAD SDGs. However, Maluku Utara has yet to have its Drafts approved. This province requires continuous support until the RAD SDGs is completed.

In supporting the creation of RAD SDGs, it was found that the regional government officials had a variety of technical problems. Many of these problems were specific to regional officials and could not be resolved by referring to the existing guidelines. The three SDG Centers were asked a variety of questions by regional government officials in the process of supporting the preparation of the RAD SDGs. Therefore, it was considered useful to create an FAQ (frequently asked question) Note that classifies these questions by theme and shows the answers to them and provide it as a reference material for regional government officials in preparing RAD SDGs.

After the preparation of the RAD SDGs, all provincial governments are required to monitor and evaluate the progress of RAD SDGs and summarize the results in a monitoring and evaluation (MONEV) report. As guidelines for the preparation of the MONEV report, BAPPENAS has published the technical guidelines (second edition) in 2020. The guidelines require that monitoring to be conducted twice a year and evaluation once a year in principle. The five target provinces are obliged to follow these guidelines to check the progress of the RAD SDGs and include this in their MONEV reports. However, at this time, none of the target provinces have prepared a MONEV report for the RAD SDGs. The Project is expected to provide technical assistance to the provinces to draft their MONEV report following the guidelines. Besides, the Project shall continue to provide technical assistance to Maluku Utara until its provincial RAD SDGs is finalized.

This work has the following three purposes.

  • Create a RAD SDGs FAQ Note for regional government officials
  • Provide technical cooperation to all target provinces (Aceh, Sumatra Utara, Kalimantan Barat, Sulawesi Tenggara and Maluku Utara) and assist each responsible agency in the province to prepare or write a MONEV report for the RAD SDGs.
  • Provide technical assistance to Maluku Utara until they complete the RAD SDGs