Presentation Material of Sustainable Upland Production Landscape: Reflections For Advancing Agri-Environmental Policy In Indonesia
This seminar presents the findings of IndoGreen collaborative research resulting in the alternative policy pathways to improve agriculture’s environmental and long-term performance in upland catchments. Finally, the seminar is expected to summarize the main policy leverages to achieve sustainable and secure food systems aligned with these goals.
For participants who will get some presentation materials, you can download it from the link below.
04_Sesi2_ICRAF_DrLeimona_Pagar Alam production landscape_soil and water conservation
05-Sesi1-UnivofAdelaide-Sacha-NRMPoliciesin Upland06-Sesi1-ICRAF-BethaLusiana-FALLOW
08-Sesi2-BRIN-ProfErwidodo-GenRiver Model on the Upstream Citarum and Saguling Reservoir