Measuring Sustainability in Indonesia: Extended Estimates for the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Indonesia
Research Description:
The PhD thesis will develop an environmental and economic accounting system for Indonesia that will take into account environmental costs. For this purpose, the Indonesian system of economic accounts (including input output tables) will be enriched with environmental accounts, and valuation methods will be reviewed and implemented to value these environmental accounts. This will result in an Environmentally adjusted Net Domestic Product for Indonesia. The PhD trajectory has close relations to work of the international statistical community on the UN System of Economic and Environmental Accounts, and the World Bank WAVES (Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services) program.
Project Supervisors:
Prof. Arnold Tukker (Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Leiden University, Prof. Armida Alisjahbana SDGs Center, Universitas Padjadjaran), Rutger Hoekstra (KPMG Sustainability, Netherlands)
PhD Candidate: Viktor Pirmana
Short Bio:
Viktor Pirmana earned his bachelor degree in development economics from Padjadjaran University, Indonesia (2001), a Master’s degree in Economics from Padjadjaran University, Indonesia (2006) and has been working as researcher at Center for Economic and Development Studies (CEDS) since 2000, Center for Sustainable Development Goals Studies (SDGs Center) of Universitas Padjadjaran since 2016, and lecturer at Faculty of Economic and Business, Padjadjaran University since 2008.