Friday, September 20, 2024

Covid-19 Crisis and The Prospect of SDG-1 in ASEAN 5-Countries: The Extent of Disruption

Ahmad Komarulzaman as a deputy Director of SDGs Center Unpad presented a paper at WIDER Development Conference: Covid-19 and development – Effects and new realities for the Global South held on 6-8 September 2021. This panel discussed the impacts of the pandemic in South East Asia with 3 research papers covering Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

The paper was presented entitled Covid-19 and the prospect of SDG-1 in ASEAN 5 countries: the extent disruption researched by Arief Anshory Yusuf, Ahmad Komarulzaman, Zuzy Anna from Padjadjaran University, and Venkatachalam Anbumozhi from Economic Research for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).

Ahmad Komarulzaman said that in this global context, currently we are committed to SDG in 2030, many said that SDGs is an ambitious, expensive, impossible transformation from MDGs. If we see our situation right now, the achievement of SDG becomes more challenging because of Covid-19. In addition to the health crisis, covid also created the socio-economy crisis, coronavirus has disrupted various national, regional, and global development plans, so this plan needs to be adjusted or reviewed.

This presentation is about to find to what extent Covid-19 will interrupt the progress of SDGs achievement, particularly SDG-1 (No Poverty) of ASEAN 5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam). Ahmad Komarulzaman presented a world bank estimation of the impact of the Covid-19 on the 5 countries in ASEAN. The research used income projection from reputable organizations such as the world bank and utilized the long-term projection that was published in late 2019 before the pandemic without covid projection. Next, the researchers compiled data with Covid and without Covid projection and linked them with the SDGs indicator. The conclusion is

  1.       Covid-19 crisis interrupted almost all SDGs indicator of ASEAN countries particularly SDG 1
  2.       On average, SDGs indicator in 2030 will be around 2.3% lower (gap)
  3.       Vary by indicators, extreme poverty setback by 0-2 years, non-head count indicators (access to assistance and service) is longer
  4.       It also varies across countries. The Philippines is the worst affected. Vietnam is the least
  5.       Several factors count: initial condition (both SDGs and vulnerability to Covid-19), impact of Covid-19 on growth, projected recoveries
  6.       Recovery policies and assistance should be proportional to impact

Watch the full conference on Youtube